When it comes to divorce in New York, there are two main types to consider: contested and uncontested. In an uncontested divorce, both parties have come to an agreement about the terms. However, this isn’t always possible. If a married couple c…
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There are two types of divorce in New York: contested and uncontested. In a contested divorce, the parties cannot agree on the terms of the settlement, and so the case goes to court. In an uncontested divorce, both parties have already agreed on all…
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It is no secret that each divorce is different from the next. Each couple that marries will have different trajectories and plans for life and the future. Sometimes, a couple will acquire large assets or other investments throughout their marriage. T…
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As time goes on, how we define relationships changes. In recent years, individuals have also been redefining their own definitions of what marriage is and can look like. When we think of marriage, the first thing that comes to mind is two individuals…
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According to New York state law, an entire child support order is comprised of two parts: a basic child support obligation and additional child support categories. Child support is a mandatory obligation for parents with minor children, although in l…
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Did you know that the younger a couple gets married, the more likely it is that they will file for a divorce? Furthermore, divorce is becoming less of a taboo these days, meaning that individuals will choose to end their marriage if they are not happ…
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If you are currently living with or considering moving in with your partner without being married, it is crucial to seek legal advice and understand your rights and obligations. Why? Living together unmarried can have a lot of legal implications. For…
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The Truth About a Serious Issue Bankruptcy can be a great solution for people who qualify to relieve their burden of debt. However, many people buy into the several myths about bankruptcy that prevent them from seeking the help they need. In reality,…
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Determining Which Type of Bankruptcy Is Best Those who are struggling with debt may look into bankruptcy as an option for achieving a level of financial relief. If you are considering Chapter 7 bankruptcy, some criteria need to be met in determining…
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Vacation Season Is Coming As summer vacation quickly approaches, kids who will be getting off of school are starting to look forward to what incredible trips their parents may have planned for them. Divorced parents, however, have a different challen…
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