Many people think if they file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court will discharge all their debts, meaning they will not have to pay them and can start fresh. This, however, is not necessarily the case. While Chapter 7 can discharge virtually all of your…
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Divorce is a difficult process, but perhaps the most emotional part is determining who gets custody of the children. Within the atmosphere of a divorce, it is easy for emotions to run high and for you both to start trying to find a way to “win.”…
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Creation of a parenting plan can go off track easily. It is difficult to streamline the schedules of two households to work together, but it is essential in a divorce that you find a way to come up with a plan that works for everyone. New York courts…
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Dividing things up during a divorce may prove difficult, but compared to trying to split time with your children, it may seem easy. One of the biggest hangups in a divorce proceeding is the parenting plan. A parenting plan divides physical custody of…
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You finished the paperwork to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The process was stressful, but you got through it. The worry and anxiety of filing for bankruptcy may decrease a notch. But the next step becomes a little more detailed. If you live within…
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Whether you intended to have a big wedding or it just turned out that way, it left you starting your marriage off in the hole, so to speak, if you had to cover the whole thing yourselves. Debt, of any kind, can kill a relationship. According to a rec…
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Plenty of New York residents are struggling to meet their debt obligations. If you are one of them, you are likely looking at all of the relief options the may be open to you, which has brought you here. Few options may sound good, but which makes se…
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When you decided that you wanted to sever your marital ties, you may have felt a bit of anxiety regarding how your decision would affect your children’s lives. It’s no secret that divorce is often emotionally difficult for kids. However, it’s a…
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One of the most common reasons why some New York readers are hesitant to file for bankruptcy is because they have fears over what this step will mean for their personal property. There are misconceptions that upon filing for bankruptcy, a person will…
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Don’t be surprised if you encounter numerous challenges as you navigate divorce proceedings. You and your spouse must resolve all issues concerning your children, such as where they will live, who will have decision-making authority and how you wil…
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