Adapting With the Circumstances Life changes can happen at any time — and with those changes comes the need to adapt to your new circumstances. For example, if you lose your job, you have to plan how to modify your current budget to meet your new s…
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Getting Your Finances in Order After a Divorce Finally filing for divorce can give you the sense of freedom you’ve been longing for. You probably think that, now that you’re no longer legally attached to your spouse, you can begin a new chapt…
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Struggling through an unhappy marriage can be stressful for anyone — but when you add in debt and financial troubles, things become even more difficult. If you’re balancing both of these issues, you may be considering what legal options you have…
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When you file for bankruptcy, you likely have the hope that your debts will be discharged and you will be able to get your finances in order. However, life can hand you unexpected circumstances, and you can quickly find yourself struggling to handle…
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When you are faced with the process of getting divorced, a lot can be running through your mind. How did we get here? How am I going to start my life over? What is going to happen to everything we worked so hard to build? That last question is often…
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When you no longer want to be married to your spouse, you may be concerned about whether or not you need specific reasoning in order to file with the courts. If you are filing for divorce in New York State, you are in luck, as New York is a no-fault…
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Even if you are miserable in your marriage, you may worry you would not be able to support yourself after a divorce. Before you resign yourself to staying in your unhappy relationship, evaluate whether you could receive alimony. New York statutes ref…
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Couples may want a marriage to last, but sometimes marital bliss turns sour and people decide to part ways. Although you may be suffering from emotional turmoil, you can still find peace in the midst of the stress of divorce. There are ways to combat…
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For clients who are wondering, we are still open. We can also convert any in-person appointments to telephone or video appointments. Please call or email if you would like to change your appointment or set a new one. You may use the “Schedule Appoi…
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Research shows that the debt levels of baby boomers have increased significantly in the past 20 years. As boomers prepare for retirement, their debt forces some of them to continue working. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the total…
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